Gifts to the North Bend Area Community Foundation
The donors listed below have generously made contributions directly to the North Bend Area Community Foundation, or to any of the component funds of the NBACF since January 2010.
Patricia Agyagos
Jeff Alderson and Twila Flamme
Mike and Suzanne Allen
Tony and Brenda Allgood
Ron and Diane Anderson
Don and Deborah Andrews
Nathan Arneal
Steve and Mary Le Arneal
Steve and Mary Le Arneal - Veterans Memorial Park
Dave and Ginny Bacon
Wayde and Shelley Bang - Veterans Memorial Park
Bank of the West
Randy and Gina Battershaw - Veterans Memorial Park
David Bauer
Kurt Baumert
Nikki and Chad Beatty
Julie Beck - Veterans Memorial Park
Greg and Patti Beebe
Prentise and Betty Beebe
Ken and Pat Beebe
Ken and Pat Beebe - Veterans Memorial Park
Dennis Behrens - Veterans Memorial Park
Robert and Luann blacketer
John,Katy, Ellen and Kate Bode
Valerie Bodlak-Harms
Carol and Lon Bohling
Dana (Gross-Rhode)and Jamie Bolwerk
Bruce and Cynthia Brown
Mark and Michaela Buckner - Veterans Memorial Park
John and Mary Buller
Bruce and Theresa Busse
Tim and Revel Chapman
Charles Emanuel & Sons, Inc.
Bill and Teri Chromy
Steve and Audrey Chromy
Steve and Audrey Chromy - Veterans Memorial Park
Eric and Laura Chvatal
Classical Cuts
Jim and Melissa Cody
Sharon Cody - Veterans Memorial Park
Jim and Alice Colgan
John and Agnes Colgan
Sandra Colgan - Veterans Memorial Park
Connie Connolly
Mark and Monica Coulter - Veterans Memorial Park
Dwight and Karna Dam
Mary Ann DeNaeyer
Michael Dobrusky - Veterans Memorial Park
John Dorcey
Erin Dudzinski
Janet Dunker - Veterans Memorial Park
Marcy Eason - Veterans Memorial Park
Mike and Claire Eason
Chuck and Sue Emanuel
Duane and Karma Ellermeier
Duane and Mary Ann Emanuel
Gene and Veronica Emanuel
John Emanuel M.E.E Farms, Ltd. - Veterans Memorial Park
Paul and Margie Emanuel
Robert and Lee Ann Emanuel
Tom and Linda Emanuel
Susan Emanuel
David and Pamela Emken
Milton and Janis Emry - Veterans Memorial Park
Carole Enfield
Paul Eveland - Veterans Memorial Park
Scott Eveland - Veterans Memorial Park
Evonik Corporation
Mike and Robynn Ewing
Richard Farber
Frank and Ruth Farmer - Veterans Memorial Park
Colette Feala
Jason and Leigh Feala
Larry and Cheryl Feala
Richard Freeman
Fremont Area Community Foundation
FACF Betsy Mulliken Award for Philanthropy
Donald and Veronica Flamme
Donald and Veronica Flamme - Veterans Memorial Park
Larry and Mary Flamme
Maynard Flamme and Stephanie Iwan Flamme
Vernon and Sharon Flamme
David and Sandra Freeberg
Richard Freeman
Ron and Rita Freeman
Ron and Rita Freeman - Veterans Memorial Park
G&R Electric, Gary & Robin Widhelm
Mildred Gaskill
Tom and Carol Givens
Matt and Suzanne Greenquist
Jean Groff
Vaughn and Chris Gross-Rhode - Veterans Memorial Park
Steven and Beverly Grueber
Doug and Janice Gustafson - Veterans Memorial Park
Jana Hall
Jerry and Cecilia Hall
Jerry and Cecilia Hall - Veterans Memorial Park
Jamie and Andrea Halladay
Jerry and Ann Halladay
Dave and Sally Hamilton
Bob and JoLynn Hartman
Dr. Greg and Mary Haskins
Jim and Linda Havelka
Angie and Jeffrey Hazen
David and Barbara Henney
Higgins Memorial Foundation, Inc. - Veterans Memorial Park
Robert and Dian Hillis
Adeline Hines
Jim and Diane Hines
John and Adeline Hines
John and Nancy Hines
Mark and Patrice Hines - Veterans Memorial Park
Robert and Joyce Hines
Rick and Jan Hobza
Rick and Jan Hobza - Veterans Memorial Park
Doug and Wanda Hoffman
Bob and Nancy Hoops
Dan and Glenda Hoops
Patricia Houska - Veterans Memorial Park
Sam Isom - Veterans Memorial Park
The Kruger Foundation, Jim and Sandra Kruger
Lumir and Connie Jedlicka
Galen and Jo Ann Johnson
Galen and Jo Ann Johnson - Veterans Memorial Park
Kent Johnson
Marie Johnson
Marie Johnson Family
Mark Johnson
Dr. Mark C. Johnson
Jennifer Johnson
Rod and Nancy Johnson
Rodney A. Johnson, Attorney
Tom and Marlene Johnson
Judy Jorgensen
Bob and Cheryl Kavan
Mary Jane Kavan
Kevin and Julie Kavan
Kirk and Karen Kavan - Veterans Memorial Park
Lorraine Kavan
Bruce and Carlene Keim
Ken and Julie Kelberlau
Dale and Evelyn Kinney
Dale and Evelyn Kinney - Veterans Memorial Park
Jonathan Kinney
Roger and Judy Kizeor - Veterans Memorial Park
George and Margaret Kleopfer
Jack and Loretta Kloke
Don and Diane Kortum
Ray and Anita Kracl
Robert and Barbara Kracl
Charles and Kathryn Krenzer
Lee Krist - Veterans Memorial Park
James H. and Sandra Kruger - Veterans Memorial Park
Kruger Foundation Inc. - Veterans Memorial Park
Kucera Family
Harlan and Lavonne Ladehoff
Raymond and Linda Ladwig
Bryce Lambley
Fred and Lois Lambley
Bill and Debbie Leftwich
Edee Legge
Jane LeGrande
Kelly and Christina Liekhus
Cary Lodl - Veterans Memorial Park
Frank Lodl
Frank Lodl - Veterans Memorial Park
Kevin and Marge Lodl - Veterans Memorial Park
Kevin and Marge Lodl
James and Mary Love
Lux Sand & Gravel
Dean and Marlene Lux
Mary Magstadt
Sue Hovenden Maly
Jeffrey and Elizabeth Manka
Brad and Kathy Martindale
Adam and Emily Martinez - Veterans Memorial Park
Betty Marxsen - Veterans Memorial Park
Mystie McCormick
Tim McCoy
Jim McDermott
Thomas and Cindy McMahan
Robert Mehaffy
Richard and Jane Mehaffy
Dick and Patty Mendenhall
Thomas J. Mensik
Mary Meyer
Jim and Ann Minarick
Steve and Sharen Minarick
Dorothy Mines
Jeffrey and Deanna Mitties
Jeffrey and Deanna Mitties - Veterans Memorial Park
Janece Mollhoff
John and Nicole Morehouse
Morse Bluff American Legion Post No. 340 - Veterans Memorial Park
Jim and Linda Moser
Robert and Caryn Moser
Robert and Caryn Moser - Veterans Memorial Park
Moser Memorial Chapel staff
Deborah Mullally
Marlene and James Mullally
Verlaine Mundy - Veterans Memorial Park
Bud and Carole Musiel
Rich and Carlene Myers
NBC Class of 1970
NBC Class of '95
Anne Nelson
Peggy Vopalensky Nelson - Veterans Memorial Park
Nebraska Arborists Association
Marilyn Nemec
Beverly Nissen
North Bend Chamber of Commerce
North Bend Grain Co.
P.J. O'Hare
Terrence and Linda O'Hare
Joanne O'Connor - Veterans Memorial Park
Stefanie Osterhaus
David and Lois Otte - Veterans Memorial Park
Esther Otte
Richard Papa - Veterans Memorial Park
Gaylen and Betty Patten - Veterans Memorial Park
Bill and Rita Peters - Veterans Memorial Park
Jay and Ann Peters
Platte Valley Bank
Platte Valley Bank Staff- (Cheryl Wietfeld, Mark Flamme, Brent Karnatz, Grant Prenzlow, Jean Foy, Marlene Johnson, Susan Hartmann, Brenda Robinson, Lynn Minarick, Bud and Carole Musiel)
Larry and Carolyn Peters
Doug and Kay Petersen
Todd and Rachele Petersen
Platte Valley Bank
Barbara Pokorny
Melissa Powell
Cecilia Powers
Emmett and Kathy Powers
Oliver and Linda Privett
Ray and Teri Prochaska
Jeanne Quinn
Keith and Gilberta Racek - Veterans Memorial Park
Wilma Racek - Veterans Memorial Park
Fern Ranslem
Joe and Jacqueline Raus - Veterans Memorial Park
Joe and Jacqueline Raus
Patricia Reznicek
Randy and Julie Reznicek
Tim and Amy Reznicek
Laura Riggs - Veterans Memorial Park
Gary and Terilee Roberts
Jimmy and Brenda Robinson
Evelyn Rochford Kinney - Veterans Memorial Park
Emil Ruzicka - Veterans Memorial Park
Gene and Joyce Ruzicka - Veterans Memorial Park
Larry and Pat Ruzicka
Dr. David and Anne Wolf Sabott
Rich and Melissa Samuelson
Beth Sanders
Ron and Jan Schindler - Veterans Memorial Park
Ronald Schindler
Bruce and Brenda Schmidt
David and Mary Schneider
Lenora Schuetz
Barb Scott
Rodney Scott
David and Jill Sellon
Michael and Gwendolyn Settles
Steven and Amy Settles
Robert and Marilyn Shanahan
Julie Sheridan
Pat Shukis
Gene and Nancy Sic - Veterans Memorial Park
Gene and Nancy Sic
Tom Siebels
Marvin Slavik
Alan Sloup
Clayton and Carol Snover - Veterans Memorial Park
Bob and Anne Soukup
Don and Diane Soukup
Jerry and Barb Soukup
Leona Soukup
James and Mary Spath
Patricia Hamilition Steele
Robert and Janet Steenblock
Vance and Kimberly Stohl
Tom and Kathleen Stranik
J.B. and Rose Chvatal Suddarth
Roger and Nancy Suey - Veterans Memorial Park
Mickey Tank
Charlotte Tawney
Mike Tawney - Veterans Memorial Park
Gloria Thege - Veterans Memorial Park
Doug and Lori Thompson
Jack and Deborah Thomsen
Ruby Kavan Urban
Richard and Maxine Urkoski
Craig and Carol Vanderkolk
Pearl Vasina - Veterans Memorial Park
Elaine Vech
Jim and Beth Vech
Charlie and Jan Vopalensky
Juanita Vopalensky
Donald and Dixie Voss
Pat Voss and Family - Veterans Memorial Park
Daryl Vyhlidal
Cynthia Wadzinski
Ryan and Tiffany Walters
Doug and Connie Wamberg - Veterans Memorial Park
Charles and Jean Warren
Brent and Deidre Wasenius
John and Bonnie Wennekamp
Jim Wesch and Family
Susan Westerholt
Gary and Robin Widhelm
Caroll and Carol Wiebold - Veterans Memorial Park
Bradley and Amy Williams
Bruce and Amy Williams
Jim and Nancy Williams
John Wilson
Alex, Angela, Eli and Grayson Wolf
Tom and Deanna Wolf
Dr. Tom, Misti, Evan and Lauren Wolf
John and Linda Wolf
David Woltemade
Billy and Marian Young
Jerome and Kathy Zelazny
Todd and Caryn Ziettlow