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Planned Giving

The Legacy Society is composed of individuals who have provided for the Fremont Area Community Foundation as part of their planned gifts. These are special people who are dedicated to a better future for their community for years to come.

There are many different ways to become a member of the Legacy Society. Simply inform the Foundation of the type of gift you have chosen to leave. This may include cash, securities, life insurance, IRA, memorials or other bequests. Gifts may offer tax advantages. We advise consultation with your financial advisor or attorney.

Becoming a member of the FACF Legacy Society has many advantages:

  • Flexibility - Through the Foundation you can serve several charitable interests in one place.
  • Involvement - Donors can choose the level of involvement according to their preferences.
  • Naming Rights - Funds can be named as desired: for an individual, a family, a purpose or an organization.
  • Experience - The Foundation’s Board of Directors and staff are experienced with philanthropy in the Fremont area.
  • Tax Savings - The Fremont Area Community Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization and qualifies as a public charity under federal tax law.
  • Permanence - The Foundation will continue to respond to community needs of the future as they evolve.

For more information about planned gifts through the Fremont Area Community Foundation, please contact Melissa Diers at 402-721-4252.

Gifts of appreciated stock: Let the numbers do the talking

No matter how frequently you remind clients to pause before they automatically reach for the checkbook to make their charitable gifts, many clients still give cash! As an attorney, accountant, or financial advisor, you are well aware that giving long-term appreciated assets is often one of the most tax-savvy ways your clients can support their favorite charities. Nevertheless, it’s sometimes hard to convey that message to clients with words that stick. Next time, consider using illustrations to help clients see the benefits. 

Below are two simple examples* to help you show your clients the benefits of giving appreciated stock. 

Sally and Bob Jones give $100,000

Sally and Bob plan to give $100,000 to their donor-advised fund at the community foundation to organize all of their giving for the calendar year. Let’s assume Sally and Bob have a combined adjusted gross income of $600,000, which lands them in the 35% federal income tax bracket. If they gave $100,000 in cash to their donor-advised fund, they could realize an income tax savings, potentially, of $35,000.

What if instead of giving cash, Sally and Bob gave highly-appreciated, publicly-traded stock, valued currently at $100,000, to their donor-advised fund. Let’s assume they’ve been holding the stock for many years, and the shares have a cost basis of $20,000. Not only are Sally and Bob eligible for a potential income tax deduction that will save them up to $35,000, but they have also potentially avoided $12,000 of capital gains tax that they would have owed if they’d sold the stock (using a long-term capital gains tax rate of 15%). So, it’s easy to see why Sally and Bob should consider giving highly-appreciated stock instead of cash.

Jenny and Joe Smith give $1 million

Jenny and Joe plan to give $1 million to community causes this year. They’ll do that by adding $500,000 to their donor-advised fund at the community foundation, which in turn they will use to support their favorite charities. They’ll also be making a $500,000 gift to an unrestricted fund at the community foundation to help address the region’s greatest needs for generations to come. Let’s assume that Jenny and Joe are in the highest federal income tax bracket because they earn multiple seven figures. If they were to give $1 million in cash, they could save, potentially, up to $370,000 in income tax. If they gave publicly-traded stock instead of cash, assuming a $200,000 cost basis in stock valued currently at $1 million, they would still potentially save up to $370,000 in income tax, and they would also potentially avoid $160,000 in capital gains tax (based on a long-term capital gains tax rate of 20%).

Of course, no client’s circumstances will exactly match those of Sally and Bob, or Jenny and Joe. The net-net here, though, is that the community foundation is happy to discuss the various tax-savvy options for charitable giving in any client situation. Please reach out. We’re here for you! It is our honor to help you serve your charitable clients. 

*These examples are for illustration purposes only. Every client’s situation is different, and therefore the tax strategy and tax impact will be different for each client. For example, these illustrations are based on federal income tax rates only, and you’ll need to evaluate, among many other factors, the impact of state taxes.